Monday, June 24, 2019

Episode #58, "The Best of Both Fishbowls, Pt. 3” is now available for your listening pleasure.  Find it on all of the podcasting apps and things.

The Enterprise-D is docked at Earth Station McKinley, undergoing repairs and refitting following its battle with the Borg. The episode follows the interactions of three members of the crew with their family members.*

*The writing team initially looked to extend the Borg-based "The Best of Both Worlds" into a trilogy, but executive producer Rick Berman turned down the idea. So Michael Piller sought to have a plot in which Picard could address the effects of Borg assimilation. 

Having run the Star Trek: TNG season-ending bit so far into the ground, the boys blow through mad topics to wrap up the season. How does it end? How will things pick up in season 2?  Who even knew we were doing seasons until two weeks ago?  The guy writing this does not have his hand up, if you were wondering.

You know the drill by now: make sure you #subscribe to and #rate the podcast on the apps and the things. Tell your friends and acquaintances and their friends and acquaintances.

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